Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Twenty Thousand and Counting

Just noticed to-day that we now have over fifteen thousand website customers and about six thousand on eBay. When we started out on eBay in 2002 we certainly couldn't have dreamed we'd have helped over 20,000 people with their jewellery. It really is humbling to think of all the weddings and events our tiaras and accessories have been used in. We've posted orders all over the world, from obscure islands in the Pacific to the northern tips of Europe. Although most are used for weddings, some have been used on TV shows, pageants and even the odd fancy dress party. I guess it shouldn't really surprise us having so many customers, as every year new brides are getting married and we have to attract a whole new set of customers. Although having said that, it still amazes me how many repeat orders we get from the same people. I do hope they're ordering for other special events and not getting married over and over again :-)

I'm so slow at updating the blog these days that my next post will probably be about us reaching 40, 000 customers, but I'll try to make it sooner lol.