Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas Toy Rush

Traditionally this time of year is pretty quiet here at Bridal Gems, most brides are thinking about Christmas and the spring or summer wedding goes on the back boiler for a while. This year to keep busy we've started selling a range of cheap toys, through our website and eBay. We're not targeting the mass hysteria toys like playstation version 2 million and six, which tend to have mass hysteria price tags, instead we're concentrating on budget toys and stocking fillers. We've imported a wide range and are concentrating our efforts on selling through eBay. I've no doubt we'll keep at the toys in the new year although obviously they'll have to be scaled down a bit as the bridal side of the business picks up again.
For those of you still looking for bridal jewellery, please don't worry we're keeping the Bridal Gems website going and are getting most orders out within 24 hours.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Where have we been all weekend

As many will have noticed we were not available on the phone or email over the weekend 17th - 20th November, we're now catching up with the almost 600 phone calls and emails missed over the period. We hadn't planned on disappearing :-) but had simply popped over to Scotland for a family function on Saturday and couldn't get back to Northern Ireland because of the weather. Some orders have been delayed but only by about 24 hours, and all are now being processed.

We'd like to apologize to all our customers and have been trying to get in touch with everyone who has left us messages over the weekend. Anyone who still needs to get in touch can now give us a call on 0800 043 4850

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Irish Wedding Shows

We're currently searching for wedding shows and bridal fairs through out Ireland. If you're an event organizer and would be interested in having Bridal Gems exhibit at your show give Nigel Carson a call on 0845 2571715 or fill in the form on the Bridal Gems web site, Irish Wedding Shows.
We're happy to consider all types of wedding related show regardless of size or location. At most events we'll be exhibiting our full range of Tiaras and Jewellery, and were available will set-up a fully interactive website portal for placing orders at the show.
This is a really exciting opportunity for event organizers to have one of the UK's largest wedding jewellery retailers exhibit at their show. Our show dates and venues will be fully advertised on which has thousands of visitors every day and will be a great benefit and asset to the shows we choose to exhibit at.